What 50wpc or higher amps have a totally different sound from Pass Labs, in a good way?

I have pass labs xa30.8, it’s awesome, but have no idea what’s considered it’s yin to the pass’s yang sonically?
I know that the pass labs 250 watt amplifier is the one that they say is the workhorse of their line because it is the most load tolerant aka designed to drive anything.
After going from Pass XA30.8 to Octave v110 (KT120 P-P 100wpc) and back to Pass, I think that nice PP tube amps are a different and enjoyable beast. Much fuller sound, denser soundstage, more immersive on the Octave. VERY detail-oriented, precise, more sparse soundstage with the Pass. I ultimately enjoyed listening to the Octave more than the Pass, but both are extremely good at what they do.

I had to return the Octave due to a tube biasing issue, but I went for an alternative PP tube amp that seemed like a cool value proposition: Wavestream Kinetics Boxter (6550/KT88 100wpc) from The Music Room. No information about it anywhere, but designer is Scott Frankland (of MFA, Wells Audio fame).
LTA amps would be the opposite of Pass but both are enjoyable with the right speakers. Pass sounds great with Wilson speakers while LTA i like best with DeVore.
@red wood audio
Please report back your thoughts/opinions on your boxster amps.

Thank you, 