Opinions on the Nola Contender please

So Nola has a new speaker called "The Contender" which sits above the "Boxer" in their entry level portfolio. Beyond the creative product names what are forum members opinions about these speakers?
Nolas flat? No life?!? Not the Nolas I've known and loved, and that includes 6 different models, including the Contenders. BUT.
The earlier Contenders and the newer Contenders sound as though the tweeter is voiced differently. The earlier ones were brighter-sounding, something that, if you read John Atkinson's measurements in Stereophile when they reviewed them, is clear. He found a slight brightness around 9kHz: That would certainly give more life to the sound if not matched with something else bright. I remember playing the Supremes Anthology album when the first pair I bought arrived: for the only time in my (audio) life, I could not listen to that album. Bright??? No, it was BRIGHT!!! As it turns out, listening to the album 14 months later, it was the combination of the Nolas and the new Nordost Frey 2 that caused this effect, but even after the Nordost fully broke in (nearly 30 days later [no exaggeration], the Contenders had a heightened treble, evident if you listened to any Ella Fitzgerald CDs, where every single breath she took was audible - easily audible at that.
The newer Conteders are more balanced in the treble, but are "quieter" with solid state than with tubes (and Nola never, EVER shows at shows with solid state. ONLY tubes).
But flat, as in two dimensional? That's not Nola's "sound." They - all the models ever reviewed (and, again, I own six different models) - are all fully three dimensional with outstanding low-level detail. I don't know what was going on there, but it wasn't the speakers problem. I can get mine to sound "flat," but only due to placement in the room.
Music lovers/audiophiles, looking for input. Considering a speaker upgrade to full range, floorstanders. Current analog system setup - recent full upgrade to Jolida JD 202 intergated amp. (40 watts), VPI Scout w JM 9 arm, Benz Mirco L2 cart, Tyler Acoustic Reference Monitors, ACI Force sub, Jolida JD 100 CD player. Have enjoyed current system for 15+ yrs. COVID and my location presents a challenge to auditioning. Based on articles and reviews narrowed considerartion to Salk Songbird3 BeAT, GoldenEar Triton One R, Nola Contender S3. Refined to GoldenEar and Nola speakers. Seems GoldenEar may be the easiest for place in room. Reviews show them to share simular sound charateristics. Alternative option: switch out  ACI Force for two Rythmik F12G subs, upgrade phono pre-amp and call it a day. 
Listening room - 12' X 30' (configuration - odd shaped third floor (has window well, with narrow 6 ft. hallway to steps w/ separate room by steps). Favorite genries: Jazz and R&B, however, love music (1500 LP's). Probably last system change, looking at retirement with more time to enjoy my music. Appreciate the input.               
You might want to create a new post as this one is 20 years old, but to address your question I’d put the LSA-20 Statements or Signatures high on my list as they go down to 25Hz and will probably fare fine with your amp as long as you don’t frequently crank bass-heavy music.  They are available here on sale by the manufacturer and offer a very welcome (especially these days) 30-day trial period.  The Raven CeLest would be another to give a good look.  Best of luck. 
Thanks soix for the recommendation and input. Created a new post as suggested. Funny, I've spoken with Wally and he indicated either will work with my curent system. Also considered Raven CeLest and Blackahwk before upgrading my Jolida 202. Will rethink to include CeLest and LSA. Are you familiar with the sound of the Contender S3, reviews I found were raves? Spoke with a dealer who will sale a new pair for $5500 shippped ($6900 Sugg. Retail). It appears you consider the LSA the better performance/value buy? or is it the 30 & 45 day trial period that makes them a better consideration?          
I’m actually a big Nola fan, and though I haven’t heard the Contender I’ve no doubt it’s a great sounding speaker.  I will say that I think the LSA is a better overall value since it’s sold direct, and that’s the direction I’d go.  But I’m also swayed by the fact that the new LSA speakers benchmarked Joseph Audio, which are my favorite speakers, in their development so I’m admittedly a bit biased.  FWIW...