Speaker Upgrade Recommendation for Current Analog System - under $10,000 Budget

Music lovers/audiophiles, looking for input.
Considering a speaker upgrade to full range, floorstanders. Current analog system setup - recent full upgrade to Jolida JD 202 intergated amp. (40 watts), VPI Scout w JM 9 arm, Benz Mirco L2 cart, Tyler Acoustic Reference Monitors, ACI Force sub, Jolida JD 100 CD player. Have enjoyed current system for 15+ yrs. COVID and my location presents a challenge to auditioning. Based on articles and reviews narrowed considerartion to Salk Songbird3 BeAT, GoldenEar Triton One.R, Nola Contender S3. Refined to GoldenEar and Nola speakers. Seems GoldenEar may be the easiest for place in room. Reviews show them to share simular sound signature. Alternative option: switch out ACI Force for two Rythmik F12G subs, upgrade phono pre-amp and call it a day.
Listening room - 12' X 30' (configuration - odd shaped third floor (main room has window well, with narrow 6 ft. hallway to steps w/ separate room by steps). Favorite genries: Jazz and R&B, however, love music (1500 LP's). Probably last system change, looking at retirement with more time to enjoy my music. Appreciate the input.              
On that ‘Old tech’ Vintage American line...
I’ve late model IRS Betas Refurbished
With insane accurate power... it’ll shake more than most heads. Technology has advanced most but lets not be silly, great then is....great now. 

And another sad observation $45,000
in the late 80’s bought you a pair of 
IRS V’s....today $12,000 buys you made in China what....? OK we’re talking 4 Time’s the difference in dollars, but realistically 10 times the sound difference ! The devalued power of the dollar...sad
OP — I’ve owned a pair of NOLA Contender 2s for 5 years.  Really lovely speaker.  Happy to discuss my experience, compared to owning Vandy Treo CTs, NOLA KOs, Harbeth 30.2s, Wilson Audio Sabrinas, and recently, DAWs.  Don’t know the Golden Ears sound, but Sandy Gross is a good friend of my neighbor.  If you are near Maryland, consider borrowing my NOLAs for a few weeks.  And I’d give you a great deal on either my NOLA KOs or Contenders.  
Fyne, Focal and Boenicke are also worth trying. See what you like.

With Fyne I would try F502SP or F702.
With Focal either the Kanta 2 or Kanta 3.
With Boenicke the W8.