Dynaudio contour with 30 watt amp

I have a Dynaudio contour 2.8, I listen to music in very low volume. If I use 30 watt tube amp to drive it. Will speaker be damaged by the low wattage? Thanks.
These speakers dont work well with tube amps, period. You should consider a quality solid state amp with at least 75watts-100watts. Dynaudio Contour series love power.
Even if you crank your volume control, your volume level will be still very low. 30w tube amp will quarter the power to your speakers
Thanks for all the input. So if the amp doesn't clip, and as long as I listen to music in very low volume, the amp will not do any damage to the speaker, right? Any tube amp to recommend? Thanks.
I agree with Mattmiller. The Dynaudios love power, and in the end, higher power solid state will give a more satisfying result.