Suggest one obsure album we all should hear

I love when I discover an album that's new to me, and great.Please share one so we can all broaden our musical horizons.

Mine is:
Wishbone Ash  'Argus'
Hmmmm-- Let Them Eat Jellybeans--  punk compilation from back in the day--good stuff!!!!
How about the Strawbs. Several IMHO questionable albums but many greats also. Start with "Grave New World", "From the Witchwood", or "Hero and Heroine" to start.

One more quickly comes to mind. Black Mountains "In the Future" which happens to be a superb recording also.

All of these best with lights out.
In 1971 I saw this new band on UCLA’s campus (for free) called Earth Wind and Fire.  I enjoyed the sound and I went out and bought their self titled album.  It sounds great especially a tune called “Bad Tune”.

This one is almost impossible to find, “Carnival Sketches” by jazz trumpeter Gene Shaw.  The album is a little reminiscent of Sketches of Spain by Miles.  It’s from the early 60’s and it was very popular among my listening group.