Totem and Bel Canto?

Right now I have a NAD T747 and a pair of Rainmakers on Atacama stands and I would like to upgrade my sound. I am leaning towards either buy a NAD 275 power amp and running the speakers through that or a Bel Canto Integrated (either the S300iu or C5i). Anyone have experience with either of these? Not sure if it matters but I only have digital material(no cd or vinyl) so I was thinking that the Bel Canto might have the better DAC.
Now that combo I love and adore.
Naim and most Totems go well together... Very well.
thanks for all of the responses. I am,however, a little confused by meiwans comment that the rainmakers are easy to drive as everything i have ever read suggests that they are very difficult to drive and like a lot of power(this was confirmed by an email to totem) which is why I was originally considering the nad 275. It also makes me wonder if the nait 5i would have enough power at 50 watts. although i have of course read great things about that amp. ideally i would find a solution less than 1400 used and it would be great if it had a nice dac but that might be dreaming.
Have no fear, the naim 5i will play those totems very loud,
What is also great with them is the Naim unitiqute, which has a built in DAC, but it's out of your price range...
Naim and Totem pair up quite well. I've heard many combos of them and never heard anything less than stellar.

Bryston also pairs up equally well IMO. A bit different, but equally well. Simaudio is another great match.

Bryston B60s go for under $1k here, depending on age and features (remote, DAC, phono). I like Bryston a bit better than Naim, as it's more 3D and a tad more relaxed sound.
Another vote for the Naim + Totem combination. I have owned two Naim integrateds, the 5i and the XS. Loved them both. They both paired quite nicely with a pair of Totem Arro floorstanders.

Some folks really like the Naim sound. If you've never heard it, make sure you find a dealer and listen with your own ears.

Do you like the NAD sound? Why are you upgrading? Do you feel there is something missing in your system?