Upgrading phono stage

Hello all,

I have a modest system that I have been adding and changing in small increments. I am using a Rogue Audio Sphinx V2. I love the sound of this integrated especially for the money. I am wondering how much I have to spend on a seperate phono stage to get a marked improvement from the built in. I have read that many think the built in phono stage for the Sphinx is quite good. I have zero experience with outboard phono stages. The prices are all over the place and I would like to spend under a $1000 but if that is not enough to make a big change then I will wait and go bigger in the future. I am using a Ortofon 2M Blue at the moment.

Thank you
I agree with everyone that says an outboard phono stage will make a huge difference. If you have 2500 to spend you can go pretty far actually. You can get a musical surroundings Nova III for 1500 or so new or closer to 1k used. If you really wanna step it up get the linear power supply for 600 or so more. That still leaves you up to 1k for a cartridge and you can get a lot for that. Could try a Hana MC in the 500-1k range. You'd be all in for 2500 and it will blow your mind. More detail, better soundstage. You'll be amazed. 
Yep I agree with @rmdmoore about the MC cartridge too. The Blue 2M is really great for the money but with a dedicated phono stage and (properly matched) low/medium output MC cartridge (shoot for something in the range of 0.3mv - 0.8 mV) you will be in analog hog heaven! What you get with MC is a more vivid, extended sonic picture with gobs of detail (the good kind).

The trick is that lower output MC cartridges have a notable sonic advantage over high output MC’s due to lower mass coils, but once you get too low then you’re going to allow the noise floor of the phono stage to creep into the picture. 0.4mV - 0.6mV is what I would consider the sweet spot until you get into more exotic phono stages and step-up transformers.
Thank you @mulveling I have been waiting for someone I trust to review a Trumpet MC for a while now. I would like to try a tube phono stage at some point just for fun but can not justify shelling out big money on a Herron or Zesto just to match it with my Stanton 981 HZS MM cart.

I would like to know if a linear power supply would upgrade performance of a Trumpet MC and I am not sure if MM signal goes thru j fet or straight to first tube stage?

@cpdkee I was using a Ray Samuels Nighthawk and Dynavector with good results but a switch to Stanton 981 HZS was not a good fit gain wise.
I have been using a Audiokultura Iskra 1 (made with copper Milfex caps as extra option at purchase) for about a year now, I think it is keeper.

I would like to try a tube phono stage at some point just for fun but can not justify shelling out big money on a Herron or Zesto just to match it with my Stanton 981 HZS MM cart.


Great cartridge, much better than new MM, all you need is JLTi mk5 phono stage with manufacturer mod to let you run an MM not only with 47k Ohm, but with 100k Ohm.

There is no problem to match an MM cart with any MM phono stage, but not every phono stage will give you 100k Ohm loading for MM.

This JLTi phono stage with RCA plug Load Resistors is the best you can get for the money. You can try whatever loading you want if you will ask for the mod (internal load resistors can be 500k Ohm) and parallel RCA plug-in resistors can be whatever you want for MM or MC.

You can change the capasitance only by phono cable, not by phono stage. This is pure way to enjoy MM.

I’m a huge fan of top Stanton and Pickering cartridges.

** Low impedance models are also great, there was an 980 LZS with .06 mV Output designed for high gain phono stages or for headamp (or SUT).

Not sure why do you thing there could be any problem with gain for standard HZS version?

I had a perfect match with Nighthawk/Dynavector combination combined with input impedance of pre-amp putting volume knob in the sweet spot.
Not so much with Nighthawk/Stanton combination, the output impedance and internal voltage of Nighthawk and Iskra 1 are much different, at 40db the lowest gain setting for Nighthawk is much louder than Iskra 1 at 45db.
I believe the sound engineering term for Nighthawk/Stanton/pre impedance combination would be "to hot".