What is it in MM that can give me goose-bumps? 🤔

Neither the best resolution CD or MC will give me goose-bumps.
Changing to e.g. my AT 440ML will do, will emotionaly move me, has emotional *impact* with every note played. 
CD and even MC seems to resonate with my intellect, my MMs with my emotions. 
It seems somehow contradictory, but so it is. 
Anyone else has these experiences?
Michélle 🇿🇦 
@chakster thank you for listing out. I always wondered what's the fuss.
I'm one that agree with your thoughts on this 
had a friend for experiment with very expensive gear and Mc setup. tried a high end mm. it just blew his mind with 1/7 th of the cost. it's different but what matters it's music. it's way way easier to make music. 

Mc had always been very tough unless u get everything every thing right. it doesn't really deliver music wise if not done correctly . as I heard good Mc before. but mostly worse than digital audio. I always tease them, is this music or just excitable sound? 

why bother what happens in extreme frequency and there is more data in the 10k to 100hz region. of course good MM can go beyond that but doesn't over cook the frequency extreme  Thus we also conclude this debate ourself

I must admit that not every MC is bad and not every MM is good.

I prefer some top vintage MM (NOS) because of the obvious difference in performance (and cost) compared to modern MC carts.

I don’t like modern MM cartridges, most of them does not have that magic. Same about most of the modern tubes (vintage NOS always better). 

I like some vintage LOMC too, but they are definitely much more expensive than great vintage MM, and more expensive than some modern MC too.

actually I heard also very good MC

It's the 10k region to 100hz region that have the tendency to be bleached out, and noise vibration issue .. so unless we know what we are doing and take care of this . it generally won't sound better than MM. mm have worse speed. snap. extended sound. uninhibited and "detailed" 

poorly executed Mc. bleached. lack of room and body. hifi sounding. digital. lack of harmonics. 

in short good Mc can be very expensive to experiment.  maybe my friend had spent over a million through 40 yrs of mc and still.... only somewhat accomplished 
so that's our conclusion

the current mm setting way way more detailed overall if you add the middle frequency. 85 percent of slam and snap of Mc, but stage is way way huger, way better harmonic and insight . we all agree. its simply a more optimized setup 
oh my friend does appreciate your post.. he actually owned most of the lomc carts you mention. sme. goldmund. pushma. reeds.dr fecker. etc etc most of the hi end tt he had before. your point is proven and got acrossed loud and clear. thank you

Dear @anthonya :  I owned the EPC205 and AKG P25 and are very good performers and if you want to go with Shure you have to look for the Ultra 400 or 500.

Now about Pickering try to found out the 7500 or at least the 5000. The important subject in any cartridge is not its stylus tip shape but the design of the cartridge motor that's what mnakes the difference for the good or bad, repeat cartridge motor and the 5000/7500 shares the same motor that's different from the 3000/4000.

The ADC 26/27 is a superlative IM cartridge, the best of the best vintage ones, and came with a plastic cartridge body, aluminum cantilever, ellipthical stylus tip and its output connector pins not even gold plated but what a performer and its extremely high quality comes from its cartridge motor.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,