Accuphase E-480

Does anyone know how to convert voltage of Accuphase E-480 from 100v to 110-120v? Here's a picture of the power selection board for Accuphase E-480.

E-480 isn't like E-650 and E-800. E480 has jumpers of J1, J2, J3, J4, J5 and J6 instead.


I don't have any experience on E480 voltage conversion, however, based on previous experience, brown & red wires are 100v windings, and orange & yellow are 120v windings. You need to trace the circuit to connect jumpers for orange & yellow wires and disconnect jumpers for brown & red wires.
From the picture, seem like j1, j2 & j3 are jumper for soft-start resistors circuity. Connect j2 and disconnect j1, j3 for 240v main. No change required for 100v and 120v main.

Thank you for providing information on E480 voltage conversion. I will try to do accordingly and post result.
I would like to inform you that I have successfully changed voltage on E480. Thank you again.