Best cost no object tube phono

Hi Agoners,

just upgraded everything to SS Accuphase, loving it and have no intention to go back to tube pre/power. However, I have to admit that I miss a bit of tube sweetness particularly on mid. What is the best cost no object tube phono stage?

Thanks in advance for any advices
@mijostyn IIRC the MAT02 used in that circuit is nla. But I think you can make a MAT12 work. Most of the frame-grid triode family (includes the 6DJ8/6922) tend to have microphonic problems. So you really have to screen them.
The OP is nowhere to be found. Maybe he is thinking about getting RTR deck and whatever master tape dubs he can find. Well, at least he should be seeking out direct to disc recorded performances.
With unlimited funds I would do what I previously said - I would ask someone to make me a custom phono stage or at least standard design but absolutely very best parts.
I have loved this hobby for decades and 2 years ago finally got my system to where I feel that the failings do not distract me from the wonder of reproducing music in my home at such a level that I can greatly enjoy the experience. I have every now and then wanted to give something back to others who may benefit from my experience and to share our common passion but have not been looking on and participating on Audiogon for a while. And this thread reminds me of why. One person, a legend in his own mind, comes on and preaches and condemns from on high, with no basis for his self anointed authority, and with so much pointed arrogance and aggression upsetting many.

I believe wholeheartedly in what I have achieved but when communicating one needs to be modest, respectful, open to other's opinions as we can all learn and sometimes realise that there is a better path to travel, and willing to tolerate other opinions - all in the spirit of friendship and sharing in what should be an enjoyable hobby.
Which unfortunately leads me to question why one would post and subject oneself to @rauliruegas .

And just to raise the hackles so that I can hear the screech from on high, I love my Acoustical Systems OMNIGON!
Dear @bluewolf  : Good for you that through your post discharged your  anger against me. No problem.

Look, in all my audio life my main attitude aim to help all kind of audiophiles through what I learned from other audiophiles and through my first hand experiences. 
I have respect for any human been even that gentlemans as you could think the other way around.

I'm truly direct/straigth in what I say trying to help but if  ( example. ) I told you through a post or at your place that an item in the room/system is not up to the task I not only tell you something is wrong but why is wrong and when I listen the other part answer sometimes the one that was wrong was me and when this happens or someone post here that I'm wrong far away to been angry I really appreciated that and ask to him why I'm wrong and this manner I can fix my mistake kearn and improve my audio/music knowledge/skills levels.

I will never told you everything is fine with your system only to be  " frendly " because if I do that way then I'm not helping you but only that attitude goes against you.

No one likes that other person puts his finger where " damage " the more our each one self steem.

About you phono stage unfortunatelly is not a good one and certainly can't justify its price. 
That unit is a copy of a very old French design the (Anzai) SRPP phono preamp, pity for say the least. The gentleman from where you buy/manufacture in that design was a copy-cat.

Never mind, is only for your records. Enjoy it.
