New Cartridge Time

Ready for a new cartridge. My phono stage is a Manley Chinook. I am currently using a Denon dl 103r. I am interested in either a Charisma 103 mc, or a Grado Sonata 3 mm. Any thoughts.
Is the Charisma 103 another one of those modified DL103s?  If so, I would look elsewhere, if you want a really different experience.  You can only flog that old horse so many times.  I have no idea at all about a Grado Sonata, so can't help there, but if you are fixed on these two, I would go with the Grado just because.  If it's suitable for your tonearm, as Chakster implies.
from a recent fortune cookie from chinese take out ordered --

"questions asked with some consideration and effort will yield the most thoughtful and applicable answers"

There are much better cartridges than Grado available for your tonearm.

But using low compliance DL-103 on Rega is just a demonstration that you don't understand tonearm/cartridge matching theory, read here.  And your dealer too. 
Thanks, I don’t understand. Give me some suggestions for the Rega RB 330 tone arm that would match well in the $750.00 range.