CD player reliability.... good and bad.

Since the mid late 80’s I have gone through probably 15 + CD players, some lasted me many many years, some were non working out of box, some lasted a week, some months, and as said some lasted years.
Is the shipping process causing some jolting of the unit, and innards get jolted and the tray or a small piece gets damaged? Or just the way they are made?

We take great care of our CD players, dust cover when not in use, don’t drop them, hit them, shake them.....yet they just stop working or things go bad, skipping, display goes out prematurely, tray rubs on something, or any number of issues...!! ??

BUT, cheap pickup truck CD player still works after 13+ years , dust, bumps, filth, exploding pops, lots of dust in my truck from my profession, dash, floor, everywhere, years of dust, caked all over, yet I put in a cd, and the darn thing still works.

But , recently it has started to act up, it plays everything I put in it, but sometimes won’t eject,...

anyway, why is it most CD players have a reliability problem. NOT all of them, but there seems to be a %10-15 of new players that arrive in non-working, or only last a short time.

Any thoughts......
I own the Audio Research CD 3 which is a  top loader CD player manufactured 2001 list price $5,000.. just replaced laser and motor cost $200. didn`t have to replace motor is was still in good shape but its best go all the way don`t have to worry for another 20 yrs. 
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My Marantz CD67 (1997) still working fine! Albeit with some years spent in storage.Plus the other old players I have (Denon, JVC, NAD, Sony) are also working well. The Pioneer needs lube on the rails.
If treated with respect they can last many years, they do wear out but maintenance costs less than of other parts in the system.
Only my SCD1 had an issue with a bearing change (the only fault that could never happen) but that was covered by warranty. Now my SCDXA9000ES even being in use for 16+ years passes the track test CD with flying colours.
So not a bad investment.


No problems here, all three of my players/transports work just fine...some 5 years or older...they are not my first choice to listen to music however. That would be one of many many turntables and cartridges I own.