The standard has, for decades now, been digital. 17-year-olds do not even know what you are talking about."
That’s hilarious. Kind of proves the point that analog is the standard digital attempts to copy.... flattery as its known.....
But here is reality....most 17 year olds don’t know wt_ they are talking about let alone understand any of us.... head down face in the phone with ear buds on.....yeah ok.....
Digital has come a very long way, seriously. However.....when a piece of vinyl hits it apex in playback.
..digital is still just trying to be that....
Why not just enjoy the choice and accept reality. One has been trying to sound like the other since the very early eighties.....
Its funny ..... the argument that oh I can access a kajillion songs streaming.....but if a guy owns over 9000 lp’s. ..the same wet blankets say you could never listen to them
all.... it would take years...
Just accept it....our human ears are tuned analog....its natural ......
I’m thankful for all playback options....but R2R and vinyl are what came before digital.
Digital that’s spent 40 years trying to imitate what tape and vinyl already can playback....
I get it ...vinyl is more work and gotten even more expensive. ...so I can see why some dont want to or have the funds it can cost even with just the lp’s cost... The rest well...just too lazy to put the cheezies down....😉
All kidding aside, accept the part that R2R / vinyl are the standards all digital looks to be...
Chill out....make it about the music.... whatever the format.
But in my living room it Has2be vinyl or R2R even the tuna gets time in while cooking..... Digital in the car, on the bike, on the trails....
To me it’s "best feature" is its portability......