Krell K 300i Vs Hegel 390 Help

Hello friends of the forum, how are you?
I am in the market interested in these two amplifiers:
1- Krell k 300i
2- Hegel 390
I would like to hear comments from those who have tried them.
It would be to replace my Rotel 1592 and handle my Bowers 805 d3 speakers
Thank you very much
people who talk down the hegel h390 against other big dollar integrateds usually have not heard it...
However, HiFiNews rated the $6k Cambridge Edge A as the sonic equivalent or nearly so of the Hegel H390’s pricier big brother and brand flagship Hegel H590, where the H590 is about double the cost of the Edge A. So perhaps the Edge A is the one to get, if you believe reviews.
I haven’t heard the new Krell 300i.  I just sold off the former Krell Digital Vanguard.  Thinking of buying the Hegel H390.
How about throwing the McIntosh MA7200 into the ring? (Close-minded and biased MAC haters need not reply!) All that Class A output on that Krell makes for a very hot amplifier, no? Seems like that heat sink is just not big enough. For about the same cash, you can get the MAC with its autoformers and upgraded DA2 DAC. That thing will run, pedal to the metal, all day and then some without breaking a sweat.