@georgehifi, Would that in turn mitigate the interconnect capacitance concerns associated with passive analog volume controls, allowing for greater choices and useable lengths for interconnects?
Even if the analogue pot was on the output of the dac, if it were a 10kohm, which meets most needs, at the worst position it’s 2.7kohm output impedance.
This into 1mt of good interconnect which is at worst 100pF per foot is 300pF for the mt, in conjunction with that 2.7kohm pot at output impedance give a HF roll off of -3db at 196khz which as you can see is no problem.
Take it a step further, if the interconnect was 2mts long and poor quality at 200pF per ft then it’s still only -3db at 98khz!! still no problem at all.
Cheers George