Would you Upgrade?

Hi everyone, i'd like to get everyone's opinion on upgrading my set of loudspeakers.

I would be going from a pair of B&W 802D (the first of the diamond models, around 2010) to a pair of Focal Sopra 3's.

Is there much of an upgrade making this change?

I heard the Sopra's at an upscale dealer with a close to perfect setup: speakers about 15 feet from the front wall and about 10 feet from the side walls. Electronics were all Esoteric, including their $44,000 Grandiosa M1 monoblocks, preamp, cd player, power regenerator and $3,800 Cardas clear stereo speaker cables.

I'm not sure if these speakers would sound much different from my current 802D and my humble Classe CAM 100 monoblocks.

Also, how many years do speakers last before they degrade (speaker, crossovers, etc...)

thanks to everyone in advance.

understanding your issues with the 3.7 I think you will end up with the same issue with focals. I have not heard the Sopra but 1037/1038be a number of times. They are just as revealing if not more so than Thiel and tend to be on the lean side more than the warm side. Both the 3.7 and the focals have bass but only when called for. 
Again I would try to give the Wilson’s current line a try. It is a good mix of detail and “warmth”. The paper drivers and soft dome tweeter take the edge off. The slight bass lift keeps poor recording pumping along too. 
If you can swing the price I think the Yvette would make you happy. The Sabrina might not be big enough (bass power) coming from the 802D. 

Not sure you will like warm speakers (harbeth etc). You are way up on the bright side of things now so a neutral speaker with strong bass will probably do the trick. 

My first response is if you think it is an upgrade and you enjoy listening more due to the change it is.

My personal opinion is I would also consider other speakers - B&Ws make quality speakers yet they cause my ears to hurt after a little while.  I would listen to speakers with different types of tweeter materials and see if the different sound characteristics are appealing.

I was evaluating B&W against PSB and Sonus faber when I had to replace my Mirage speakers.  Wilson's and Devore's are speakers I have found very enjoyable.  Happy hunting.
You already have a terrific pair of speakers, and if you elect to move on someone will be lucky to get them on the second hand market here, USAudiomart, or eBay, et cetera.  Focals are great and also look wonderful, in case that influences things.  For a softer edge, Harbeth, Spendor (including the A and D series floor standers) and Graham might be worth investigating, along with DeVore and some others (measurements be damned, I suppose).  Used Wilsons and similar exotic grade speakers mnight also give you a kick.  
if you want a speaker that makes any recording sound 'better', then you need a proper analog EQ.  If you want your speaker to make a poor recording sound better, then you don't want a revealing speaker or components.  Better components amplify the signal, warts and all and by the time it hit the speakers it's not 'fixing what's wrong'.  All top speakers are made to be as revealing as possible.  That means it won't fix the 70's rock albums that the engineer rode the high gain on.  That's just physics and can't be changed.

I love listening to Harbeth and Spendors, but have always passed on them for Vandersteen's or others in the past that gave me the same listening pleasure, but also the details that I'm paying for.  I'd stay way from anything that uses a ceramic, diamond or any metal type of drivers on top as they won't sound their best on poorly recorded music.