Magico Customer service

Is it considered to be good to include second hand speakers? Service provided on out of warranty products says a lot about a company. Thanks for any opinions.
It not about how "dead" the cabinet feels, it’s about how stiff it is while not ringing. All Rockport enclosures, up to the Lyra, are not rigid enough. That is why they sound soft. The Lyra enclosure is indeed impressive, but the value proposition is poor. I get 95% of what it offers in the A5.

I would beg to differ on the stiffness of the cabinets. Rockport and magico both have very rigid cabinets. I have owned both brands. The S series is better than A to my ears and some of this is due to the cabinet design. The A series is all parallel surfaces. The S and M do not have parallel surfaces nor do Rockports. 

The A5 is a great speaker but I just don't hear it being as good as everyone is making it out to be. Different people have different preferences. I enjoy my choice of speakers and am also happy to support a company that is owned by great people. There are lots of great people at Magico too (there is one polarizing personality at the company).
You can beg to differ with science and facts (it is a popular trend lately ☹), but aluminum is still stiffer then MDF no matter how you feel about it 😉
Agree with you on preferences to each is own (but facts are still facts).


Stiffness also has to do with the thickness of the product. I am not arguing with science. I am just stating from my experience. I would still take an S series speaker over the A series but yoy need ro get to the S5 to match the A5. 
Few years ago in Munich, both the M6 and the Lyra were demoed with Soulution gear. There was a clear consensus as to which room sounded better. I know that Soulution bought an M6 after that show and is now designing and showing with it.