How do I handle a blown ATC 7?

I have a cherry finished pair of ATC SCM7 made in 2003. I bought them brand new.

I've treated them well and been the only owner. One woofer's external rubber band has slightly broken, and now needs to be replaced. The only way to do it is to send the woofer to ATC in Europe and pay $250-300 including shipping.

I don't have a high end front of system anymore and don't listen to lots of music (lots of talk only), thus could survive with less of speakers.

I could use the money from selling them to buy a pair of good imported but lower quality speakers, that could satisfy me.

I'd love your ideas of how to solve my problem!! Thanks!!
Get them fixed. For the money you will recoup on selling them in this condition, you will never get anything nearly as good. That would likely be true even if the surround wasn't broken.
Contact Bill at Millersound. Chances are good that he will be able to re-surround your woofers, at a very reasonable price. (