REL T-ZERO MK3...nizzzze

Just picked up the REL T-Zero mk3 to supplement my Sonus Farber Concertinos. Wow, NOT what I expected. I’m still in a state of disbelief over the improvements across the spectrum, especially soundstage and I already had a pretty decent soundstage and I’m still dialing this thing in. Can’t believe what I’ve been missing and all I was expecting at best was a lil’ bump up in the low end. This little sucker is perhaps the best $480 I’ve spent on gear. 
If anyone has any words of wisdom on how to best dial-in the crossover/volume or recommend sound tracks to mess with that would be much appreciated.

follow the excellent instructions in the manual - step by step, to the letter

use the high level connection via speakon connector

the manuals can be downloaded from their site
Same improvements noticed when I added a Rel T/5i to augment Kef LS50s. I followed Rel’s set-up recommendations and used speaker-level connection (Speakon) and corner placement. 1/3 octave test tones (CD) and SPL meter helped dial everything in..
Thanks fellas, I downloaded the manual and watched all the REL vids...swapped out the stock power cord for a heavy duty Pinetree audio cord (no audible difference that I can tell) also have a high level speakon on order from Signal Cable which I read is a must have tweak...really digging it so far. 
I’ll assume that ultimately is there a compromise to dialing it in so it works with all music? I listen to a wide range...Jazz, female vocals, classical, classic rock and Floyd/Metallica.
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