@surfmuz....*G* Precisely....I've got Bluetoothed hearing aids that have eq (although not enough bands for my tastes, but...) that can actually be 'focused' so I can hear 'behind' me as well as F2F....
...so talking behind my back isn't 'safe territory' anymore...*L*
They're decent ear buds, loud enough...They even work with headphones, although that seems a tad silly. I can duplicate the correction they apply to headphones, but swapping things out is relegated to 'serious listening hours' only.
But I will opt out when offered implants that run on my body heat.
Anything I can't shut off easily (or can't) would make me mildly paranoid.
What happens if one's late with the monthly installment?
What sort of 'other connections' would the devices 'require'?
I've got a Watchman implant that monitors my heart, and it's TAVR valve.
Pacemaker and an 'on-board' defib functions; instead of a major 'zap', it gives little 'taps' to ensure that I 'keep the beat'. ;)
Late Payment? Let's make J 'skip a beat' or 3....
The implant's in your head.
You go 'blank' for awhile...how long?
No concept, no clue....
You wake.
You're doing some process you've Never Done Before.
Somewhere you've never been.
With people you don't know, in the same clueless state.
No idea as to how long you've been There, doing That.
Welcome to the Collective.
Work might set you free...maybe....*evil L*
I like the Future, as long as I can pick and choose the bits 'n pieces. ;)
Sleep well, J