Koetsu Rosewood Sig or other Koetsu on medium mass arms

I have a Kuzma Ref 313 arm with a mass of 13 grams. It's a gimbal type arm. I'm looking for opinions, experiences, or direct user results on how a Koetsu might match up with a well made medium mass arm like the Kuzma.  
I don't know that it has strictly to do with the formula for resonant frequency, but my Koetsu Urushi did not come into its own until I mounted it in a headshell/tonearm with much higher effective mass (Ortofon LH9000 that weighs 18g by itself, on a FR64S tonearm).  Prior to that it sounded good but not transcendent on my Triplanar.
You will find plenty of guys here eager to tell you all about the importance of mass and compliaal\[fisa[d iu ]asu fklfgn;alfhg; sorry, this subject is so exciting I dozed off. My Koetsu Black Goldline is used on a 13 year old Origin Live Conqueror arm. Pretty sure both the arm and the cartridge have mass. Whether that mass is "medium" (whatever the hell that means) I haven't the foggiest.  

One thing I know from actual experience, this Koetsu on this arm sounds freaking fantastic! This triggers folks but I don't know why. Not like it's any big secret. Not like they aren't all invited to come and hear for themselves. So I guess if you can figure out to what degree (if any) my arm is "medium mass" then you will have your "medium mass" answer.

Another thing I know for sure, this business of compliance and mass is pure theory. On that score I am in perfect agreement with Origin Live founder Mark Baker: "theory bears little or no relation to reality."  

I am on the same page as Mark Baker. A very good place to be.