DAC/w Volume control + Power amp or DAC + Integrated?

Doing lots of research for complete new set up from the scratch but very confused about DAC /w volume control section. 
Does the Volume control mean actually a preamp section? So a DAC + Preamp all-in-one box? 
Or are there any DAC with pure simple volume control knob exist? 

One of the systems I am eyeing on is LTA Ultralinear power amp. Source is digital only (Qobuz, local files network streaming via Chromecast audio to DAC via optical, for now) so I may not need separate Pre-amplifier. 

There are couple of options.
1) DAC /w built in volume control + UL Power amp
2) pure DAC + Standalone Volume controller + UL Power amp
3) pure DAC + UL integrated amplifier
Which one is the best setup SQ wise? Or Cost-Performance?

Built in volume control affects sound quality of the DAC? 

Is UL Integrated inferior to power amp by a margin?

I would like to go simple as possible because of limited funds (DAC & Amp for < $9k) so assume that going from DAC to Power amp directly is the way to go. All used gear will be more than welcome.



Get the LTA Ultra integrated and match it with the Chord D/A.  It gives you the most flexibility and no compromise in sound quality.
I almost always listen low to moderate volume.
I guess inserting the SYS between QUTEST and UL Poweramp is the best, since there is no audible compromise?

The QUTEST has 3 output voltages to choose from 3v 2v 1v choose the one that gives you the loudest you’ll ever listen to, with the volume control of the Schiit Sys at around 3/4 of full up

Cheers George
@czar2000, As was posted above, I also recommend you use a fixed output DAC feeding an integrated amplifier with its own analog volume control.   

I experimented with a DAC using its volume control and the resulting sound quality was poor.  Of course, maybe you should experiment and see what you like.   This is NOT an easy decision and many users on Audiogon have strong opinions one way or the other.  
Common wisdom is to put dac's volume on max and use preamp's volume control. But I have no experience with dacs in my main system.
I have experience with analog source, tape deck with volume control.
I compared playing deck directly into power amp and with active preamp in between. The result was interesting. When putting the same, not the best, interconnect cables on deck and putting best interconnects between preamp and amp, I clearly preferred the sound with the preamp. However, the very best sound was when I ran deck directly into the power amp and used the best cables.
Anyway, the cables on the source are extremely important.
Looks like an Integrated amp is the answer.
I will need more money, Or get the less expensive amp.