Looks like an Integrated amp is the answer.
I will need more money, Or get the less expensive amp.
I will need more money, Or get the less expensive amp.
DAC/w Volume control + Power amp or DAC + Integrated?
czar2000 OP13 posts03-02-2021 10:16amLooks like an Integrated amp is the answer.Spend the same money on just a power amp, and you'll get a much better amp for the same price. Feed it from the Schiit Sys. And choose one of the 3 fixed output voltages of your Qutest. Result will be bliss compered to an integrated. Cheers George |
No question about it if, the integrated amplifier has a true active class A preamplifier section such a the excellent Coda CSIB or Pass Labs 60 then no question , you didnot say hello he price point. a quality classA preamp is far better then a passive preamplifier , or as in a dac with a volume control ,it just loses. The soundstage depth ,and imaging. I have tried this many times with the same outcome. |