What cd for $1000 is best for this system?

My friend has the following system and has asked me for recommendations for cd player for $1K. Used at $1K is what I'm asking about. If you feel that he should spend less given his equipment, that's good. I have been told that the cornerhorns can have the crossovers upgraded and that improves them a lot. Is that true and what does it cost?
Come on guys (& girls), I really need some help here. I have no clue what makes sense with my friend's system. He's cost concerned. I want to get him the most bang for the buck.

Help me.
I would also agree with the suggestions of a modded machine by RAM, APL, or TRL, or any number fo other modders. You really get an amazing value for your money with a mod of a stock unit.
They all offer a low cost option I believe.
Youc an get out of it for less than $1000 easily and have a digital front end that is in the ballpark of high end sound.
Your limitation will actually become the rest of the system, but that let's you grow into it.
I have had the TRL SONY 595. Excellent unit.
If you can find a Sony DVP NS900 and get it modded by TRL, you will have quite a machine for less than $1000. Big hit at CES allegedly.
FWIW- I had the Cary 308 (nice player) before I went to a TRL modded unit (Sony 595).
The Sony was better in every way in my opinion in my setup.
That was just my experience, though.