Cart adjustment, that moment when you nail it!

Dang, after futzing with my analog system, and getting it “ok” but with some distortion here and there etc, FINALLY got the thing dialed. All I can say is WOW... Lot’s of trial and error, tiny adjustments, etc. and then ding! Nailed it. Finally! Just awesome. If you are in the tinker mode, keep trying, you WILL get there. It’s worth the time!
A USB microscope and fozgometer are two things I have yet to get into. I’m worried that would open an entirely new realm of crazy!!!
" In the northern states we get freezing temperatures that can cause frost heaving of your house foundation. This is why your house gets cracks"

This should never happen unless someone did something terribly wrong. Foundation footing depth codes are geographically determined in each state in order that the frost doesn't get under the foundation. Some expansion and contraction of building materials are normal during climate changes. 
Saw this post yesterday and so naturally I had to go fiddle this evening. It's amazing how a cartridge can wiggle over time and get out of alignment. SO much better after resetting the alignment. Thank you for the reminder to check your s!*÷.
Analog is definitely finicky but when you get it all dialed in you just sit back and relax because that is when the magic happens.