Totem Arro vs Silverline Prelude vs Salk Songtower

I'm setting up a bedroom system and need some advice. Budget $1-$2k. Amp will be a Peachtree Nova. Speakers will need to go close to the back wall. I've listened to the Arros and really liked their imaging & 3D sound. What else should I consider???
It is strange that you haven’t gotten any replies yet. I haven’t heard the Arro or the Prelude. The SongTower has one of the best 3D images that I have heard from conventional speakers. They have transmission line bass which works well close to the wall too. I tried the SongTowers close to the wall and they lost much of their great 3D image. I guess that would happen with the Arros too.

Thanks for the reply! Do you think a Peachtree Nova would be enough power for the Songtowers?
There shouldn't be any problem with the Nova. I used a 100 watt digital amp in my 600 square foot room and it went louder than I would want. My 30 watt Fisher tube amp also powered it fine too.

I heard the Preludes at RMAF this year and I was impressed with their imaging, neutrality and frequency range. Only tested them with vintage Bowie tho. Not sure how they'd do with true full range music. Have not heard the Salk or Arros.
I'm not too concerned about them being true full range since it'll be a bedroom system. How holographic were the Prelude's?