who makes a good toslink cable?

looking for advise on a good toslink cable to connect from my apple airport to my DA processor, are they all the same? what's the deal with glass? better ? worse? fragile?

thanks for input?
WireWorld SuperNova3 or SuperNova5 - very affordable, glass toslink. Tell you the truth, in my system the differences between the 3 and 5 are very minimal. I use SuperNova5 just for the sake of having the latest version, but heard almost no improvement over SuperNova3 I owned before. Only negative thing is, I think, these WireWorld cables are ugly as hell.
Yep, I've got thoughts. I've used both the 100 nd 200. Don't bother unless you're considering that cheap glass ebay special POS. Otherwise Monster is overpriced. I hold to the VDH Optocoupler.