Looking for a new phono preamp


Long time lurker, first time poster.

Here's the deal. I'd like to find a new phono preamp. I'd prefer solid state, tubes get noisy too fast. My latest cartridge is an AT-ART9XA. I'm currently running thru a sut into a cj pv10a with phono stage, but I have just got my hands on a Bel Canto pre5 that the new phono pre will be paired with.

I've got a hard upper limit of $2.5k, less is OK for the right unit. I'm looking to buy new. Dealers around me aren't really set up to demo vinyl, so I'm hoping the collective experience in here can at least point me in the right direction. Hopefully, it would have a one month return policy so I can try out the preamp.


Ditto on the Herron.   I have both the VTPH-2A and the Parasound JC3+....I prefer the Herron but you won’t go wrong with either.   

— Jim

I would strongly recommend looking at the new PS Audio Stellar phono preamp. All the reviews are very positive. Retail is $2500.00. Solid state. PS Audio has a 30 day full refund trial period. According to Stereophile Michael Fremer says it is a giant killer. Definitely one you want to look into. Good luck. 

Ok, so the  Herron is on it's way.  I'll be posting more on this once I get it into my system, and I'm sure I will have some questions for the owners of the VTPH-2A.

Thanks to everyone who had suggestions, I looked into almost every one.  I have to admit I have wanted to try on of the Herron products since I first heard a demo in the early 2000s, so I took a chance on a used unit.

I'm looking forward to find out what kind of effect it will have on my system. 
Hopefully Keith gave you a deal--he did for me 8 months ago and i couldn't be happier with the Herron--replaced a MS Phonomena II although i didn't have the linear power supply so perhaps didn't give it enough credit--disagree that the Herron doesn't do rock well but then again i don't know what rock is supposed to sound like when you're inside the band. Enjoy and post your thoughts in a few months.
I'm looking forward to find out what kind of effect it will have on my system.
Prediction: transformative. Mine was a revelation. Read my review. My wife did not know what I had done, or indeed if I had done anything at all, but just kept asking me, "What did you do?! It is so much better!" On and on. This was hearing through the closed door! When I told her, she came in and sat down, her eyes wide open, could not believe it. This was after years with the ARC PH3SE, hardly a budget phono stage. The Herron made it sound weak, thin, distorted and colored- and not by a little, by a LOT! 

Hook it up, enjoy, let us know. When you are ready and funds allow, put it on some Townshend Pods, stick some fO.q tape and SR ECT in there, you will be yet another level higher. There's even better stuff you can do in there but for that sorry to say but for now we have to keep that off-line so PM and I will hook you up.