Totem Arro vs Silverline Prelude vs Salk Songtower

I'm setting up a bedroom system and need some advice. Budget $1-$2k. Amp will be a Peachtree Nova. Speakers will need to go close to the back wall. I've listened to the Arros and really liked their imaging & 3D sound. What else should I consider???
Not to be a naysayer because I do like the Arros; HOWEVER.... did you actually audition the Totem Arros with the Peachtree Nova amp, or did you hear them hooked up to other kit?

Why do I ask?

There is a plethora of posts on Audiogon about Totem speakers: they can be wonderful with one key point to consider: Totems love lotsa high current and lotsa watts to make them perform to their capabilities.

In support of the same from direct personal experience, I've had the Arros and also the Forests both at the same time before I sold them both in the last year+: I drove the Arros with a 100 watts X 2 hi-current integrated amp: I drove the Forests with a like bi-amped system (100 watts X 2 X 2) to get them to perform to their capabilities. Totem usually uses Sim Audio, Plinius and like hi-current/high-watt amps to showcase their kit at the expos.

If you have not actually audtioned the ARROS with your selected Peachtree amp, I would caution you to first test-drive them with that particular amp, to eliminate any potential disappointment.

Good luck.
I just purchased a pair of used Totem Sttafs in Maple. All I can say is WOW! These speakers, for the price I paid, are simply incredible. I didn't expect much bass response given the 5.5" woofer size but they far outshine my initial expectations. The woofers put out more sound than the 10" woofers in my 1980 vintage Advent Loudspeakers. Incredible value for the money. If you can buy a pair for around $850-1,000, do it. These speakers retail for $2,100 new. Very low profile, full range, tower speakers with bi-amp capability. I am completely satisfied with the engineering, sound quality, and appearance. Check out if you can't find them stateside.
Sandman...I'm using the Preludes with a REL Q150e sub and it's a very nice match, along with a recently added tube power amp. Although I've never felt the treble of the Preludes to be strident (with my pile of gear anyway), the tube amp (new version of a factory upgraded Jolida 502P) does sweeten the highs somewhat. I almost got rid of the Preludes (out of boredom really...and a lame desire for a fancy wood veneer) for a beautiful pair of Thiel 1.6s, but I thought the Preludes sounded SO much better all around that damn, I'm keeping 'em!
Not related to my previous post, but since Totem's came up again, they would are on my short list of speakers I would consider upgrading to. Years ago I had the Arro's, but they didn't match well with the integrated I had at the time.

Wescoman, I too have thought about upgrading, but I think I'd have to spend over $2k to get something better all around.

I think I will always hang onto these, move them to a second system if anything.

REL's seem the way to go without doing a lot of listening/reading up.