New Cartridge Time

Ready for a new cartridge. My phono stage is a Manley Chinook. I am currently using a Denon dl 103r. I am interested in either a Charisma 103 mc, or a Grado Sonata 3 mm. Any thoughts.
goldring mm is a great one. but suites medium mass. quite difficult to setup. 

rega a bit tough to setup vta. maybe look at otello? by ss

Thanks for all the responses. I ended up with a Dynavector 10x5 MK ll
Really enjoying it, tighten up the base and added a subtle amount of top end.
Ordered it on a Friday morning from Music Direct, and it was delivered and installed on Saturday.
Thanks for all the responses. I ended up with a Dynavector 10x5 MK ll
Really enjoying it, tighten up the base and added a subtle amount of top end.
Ordered it on a Friday morning from Music Direct, and it was delivered and installed on Saturday.

good choice op - enjoy!