I have just broken in my ZYX airy 3 SB gold cil cartridge after 30 hours of use and it sounds great.
Better than the Silver coil and Copper versions IMO.
I use a VPI TNT 3 Special turntable with JMW 10 arm from 1990.
ARC used the same turntable as their reference from 1990 until 2020 in their factory.
I have identical JMW10 arms and use the copper coil and silver coil versions for comparison.
Doug Deacon the SoraSound reviewer, had the wrong opinion of these variations.
He said the gold version was a cream puff in sound and was totally wrong.
He liked the copper best and thought the silver had poorer transients.
Not IMO!
The Gold is best followed by silver and copper coils.
SoraSsound had a big stock of copper coils and a few silver and very few gold coils.
SoraSound did not want to run out of copper or silver, if the demand was bigger for silver or gold IMO
A business decision on SoraSound's part, to maximize profit.
This opinion is sort of mute because the Airy 3 with boron cantilever is long gone.
You have to try for yourself,, and not believe the paid SoraSound shill reviewer Doug Deacon, who is long gone.
There are many shills on the internet that try to influence the public and act as independent reviewers.
Better than the Silver coil and Copper versions IMO.
I use a VPI TNT 3 Special turntable with JMW 10 arm from 1990.
ARC used the same turntable as their reference from 1990 until 2020 in their factory.
I have identical JMW10 arms and use the copper coil and silver coil versions for comparison.
Doug Deacon the SoraSound reviewer, had the wrong opinion of these variations.
He said the gold version was a cream puff in sound and was totally wrong.
He liked the copper best and thought the silver had poorer transients.
Not IMO!
The Gold is best followed by silver and copper coils.
SoraSsound had a big stock of copper coils and a few silver and very few gold coils.
SoraSound did not want to run out of copper or silver, if the demand was bigger for silver or gold IMO
A business decision on SoraSound's part, to maximize profit.
This opinion is sort of mute because the Airy 3 with boron cantilever is long gone.
You have to try for yourself,, and not believe the paid SoraSound shill reviewer Doug Deacon, who is long gone.
There are many shills on the internet that try to influence the public and act as independent reviewers.