Rotel RCC 1055

Does anyone have one or have any knowledge of the Rotel RCC 1055? Any opinions as to it's quality? I have found no reviews as yet. Thanks
I have a 1055 that I use in a second system. I bought it used several years ago; good overall quality, never any issues with the carousel mechanism or any functions with the unit, and it puts out a decent sound in analog. Digital output so you can use with a DAC. While not the higest end manufacturer I do not think you can go wrong with Rotel gear.
After some thought and research,I have about decided to go either NAD C542 or RotelRCD 1072.Can anyone who may have heard/auditioned both offer some input?Thanks in advance for your time.I have a NAD C372 integrated,so there would be some advantage there,but sound quality is my #1 concern.