need opinions on new cdp

greetings,i am looking to upgrade my Jolida 100cdp.Ive narrowed it down to either Sim Audio Super Nova,AR CD3 or the Bat VKD5...they all come in just a few hundred dollars apart.I can probably hear the audio research here but i suppose not in my system..looking for the more dynamic,musical player.Will be matched with a Bryston 14bsst,DeHavilland Ultra Verve and Tyler Linbrook sig.Any thoughts would really help decide.
Have a look at the Audio Aero cd players.In the priceclass of the above,the Capitole.Always a firm favourite with exhibitors at the shows.Prestige SACD player,a bit more expensive.Very nice looking machine.
APL modified Denon 3910 has had very strong support in the forums and from audio friends.
If looking to spend less...Audio Aero Prima Mk II(newest model with Sony mechanism}.I use mine with the balanced outputs,brass isolating cones and a Signal Cable Magic Power Digital Reference powercord.Soon to ad a PS Audio UPC 200 powerconditioner.....

Happy hunting !
Go for the Supernova. The problem with tiny companies like Audio Aero is that if and when down the road you need parts for service, you'll be out of luck. Or, if the importer changes or there is no more importer all of the sudden, then the resale value is down the drain. Most buyers want some kind of garantee that the product will be able to go on and hold its value. Sim has been around for over 25 years, and they have a 10 year warranty. Plus they are known for sound, I've listened to the Supernova, and it is awesome for the money.
I feel that I must step in here and speak for the 'tiny' Audio Aero company and it's North American importer 'Globe Audio' of Canada.
I had an almost 2 year old Audio Aero Prima CDP with the now troubled Philips transport . Upon sending the Cdp to the american repair facility for it's third transport replacement, under warranty, I was treated to a brand new up to date model with the Sony transport, at NO CHARGE !! It can be tuff to find that kind of customer service in the large corperate world !
My hat is tipped to Audio Aero and Ken at Globe Audio !!
They are great people to be associated with . Thanks Guys .
If you don't mind a universal stereo format player, check out the Ayre C-5xe, it is three separate players in one, i.e. when it uses SACD hardware, the CD and DVD-A hardware is turned off, when it uses DVD-A hardware the CD and SACD hardware is turned off and when it uses the CD hardware, the DVD-A and SACD hardware is turned off. It receives A+ ratings from Stereophile, if that means anything to you. I did a demo with it and bought it right away after having demo-ed stand alone CD players in the same price range and above for months because none manage to sound nearly as good. It has balanced and unbalanced outputs.

If you are looking for a more dynamic musical player, this is the one (the Burr-Brown 1792 chips decode HDCD BTW, in case that is useful to you as it was to me). It competes with players double the price easily. I was actually listening to the BAT VKD5 earlier today through a BAT amp on Avantgarde Duos, and it is no comparison in sound quality to the Ayre C-5xe whatsoever IMO, neither are the Audio Research CD 3 or Sim Audio Super Nova players. Be prepared for a long wait though since they are currently backordered due to high demand. I hope you decide to demo it before you rush into buying any of those other players... You won't regret it if you can afford the $6K (USD), and if you can't afford it, I would consider saving up for it, which is what I did. 8)