The Most "Analog" CD Player?

Came across this new CD player, which may finally end the eternal quest for the analog-sounding CD player.
The most analog CD player that I know is Acute Classic, by EAR Yoshino. One of the best CD players of all times as well. It replaced my Big 7 DAC from Lampizator. It’s not the most transparent device I’ve had but the texture of sound is totally vinyl like. Troels Graveson consider it better than vinyl. The synergy with my Atma Sphere amplifier and Quad speakers was perfect. Designed by recently passed away Tim de Paravicini, the big English guy. It is also higly appreciated in France, where I live. Much better than Luxman or Rega.
Audio Aero Capitole Mk2, tubes in the output stage and way ahead for its time.
I agree with you all. It stinks that these less expensive turn tables come with the carts attached. Rega does this but they have three screw points for their carts so the likelyhood that they will be way off. Regardless you should always check your setup just so you don’t damage your cart and your records. As far as the most analog sounding CD player is Ayre. They should be coming out with a new player but the older players have really good analog sound due to the np filter. Also, A new CD player with that analog sound until Ayre gets out the new player is the Rega Apollo. It’s very affordable and the mids are great. Also at this price point which I think is under $1200 and a top loader. If you are in the Chicagoland area and want to visit an adult candy store try:
They have the CD and SACD player at the store. Just to listen to the players is amazing. You will swear you are listening to the cleanest record in the world. 

I have a music hall mmf-7.3, I would not say cheap, but came with an ortofon 2m bronze attached. I checked it and it is aligned dead on. It sounds fantastic.