Manley Chinook Owners Tube Rolling

Just bought a Chinook M2 SE  From Upscale Has anyone tried other tubes besides the 6922 Tungstran i think that Kevin picked out. Would it even make a difference?
Thanks, Mike
Johnss, where can I have the caps replaced, does anyone know a manley qualified tech in So. Cal?
you'll have to find a tech in your area. The replacements are Nichicon XY series film and foil. The originals from manley are metalized film.
you can buy the parts from
It takes 2 min to change the parts, hard part is all the pre-disassembly work first.
forgot to add the other thing that makes a huge improvement is replacing the metal film load resistors with Vishay VSR metal foil types. You will measurably drop the noise floor by at least 6db. 
@rbtstock , if you contact me off line, can send you plenty of pics.

One other thing. I've done a bunch of rolling in my Chinook.  The stock Electro Harmonix 6922s are very good. The amp was voiced with them per EveAnna 's tech Chris.   

Even though I roll tubes like crazy, I do admit that EH 6922s are a quiet tube.  They really don't get enough credit.  

I'm ready to roll after I understand how the machine sounds stock.  I try to keep an open mind because I never really know what I will like.  I've used inexpensive reissue tubes to great effect, and have found pricey NOS not that great (even when tested and from a great seller).  It always depends.  

If funds are not an option, I'd buy 2 6922s of 3 different makes so you can experiment. 
Have had my Chinook for 4 months and have no intention to roll tubes within this unit until a tube fails. Kevin is a vacuum tube guy, he knows his tubes, knows how to maximize the performance of the unit.