What Amp with Sonus Faber Olympica 3?

Greetings....Curious to know what amp are you using with the Olympica 3?  Seems they need some juice at the 80-120Hz region and dip to 2-ohms so I understand it takes some current to properly drive. Just sold a ARC Ref110 and looking for a replacement. Short list:

Pass Labs 150.8 or 30.8
Audio Research Ref 150/75SE
McIntosh MC275
Primaluna EVO 400 

Preamp is a Primaluna EVO 400. Listening room is 16x16 with vaulted ceilings and listening volume level can top out around 90db give or take a few  :)

Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12

You will not get the most out of those Woofers unless you use a High Current Amp. Tube amps are Volts...not High Current (Watts). An amp like the Pass Labs would be a great choice. But you being a ARC fanboy, it will take A LOT of convincing for you to go the best route.
Why Tom why do you hate ARC so much haha?  But I think it is clear as mentioned above I DO understand the O3 needs CURRENT :)
Spoke with Mark at Reno HiFi. He recommended a Pass 150.8.  Looks like I'll be getting a 150.8.  
i think the pass is an excellent choice sam - you will some tubelike warmth and fullness with solid state bass control on the low end

let us know how you like it
Thanks. I’m excited to get it jjss49. Should really open these speakers up. I’ll report back in a week or so. Thanks again everyone for the advice and these threads are always fun. Well not for Tom 😆😜