Can a $750 system sound good?

Join our interactive Listenupaudio live streaming show tonight at 7 pm EST on Twitch to discuss tonights topic of getting started in higher end audio. We’ll also touch on why 4 ohm speakers take more power to drive than 8 ohm speakers for those new to this hobby of ours. Click on the links below to see what we’re about.

Yes, it can be done ...

I once had a bedroom system that consisted of a Fisher 500 receiver that I bought at a garage sale. A Radio Shack 5-disc CD player. A pair of N. E. A. R. speakers. Stands for the speakers. And hooked up with Radio Shack wire.

Cost for the entire system?

Receiver = $65.00

CD Player = $200.00

Speakers = $400.00 (traded a preamp straight across for the speakers. I paid $200 for the preamp).

Stands = $100.00. They were nice metal stands. I bought them from a friend.

Wire = Nothing. I already had them in storage.

The receiver was in near-mint condition. The sound was really ... really good. If I had to do it over today, I wouldn’t have bought the Radio Shack CD player. While a good player, one can do better today shopping eBay for a good, used higher-end DVD player.

So, I made $200.00 on the speaker trade, so that has to be deducted from the total cost. That brings the overall cost of this little killer bedroom system to $365.00.
