Should I try to improve speakers at $2000.00 range

SPEAKERS...Celestion SL700SE...old but Like new
AMPS...Quicksilver 90 watt silver monos
PREAMP...Quicksilver LS model
DAC...Rega...Theta Miles as transport
CABLES... Kimber 8tc/8tc bi-wire (speakers), Kimber kcag and silverstreak (interconnect), Kimber 75 coaxial (Miles to DAC)
I can understand your passion for the 700s with the right
system they can sound A! superb.
I sold Celestion loudspeakers for over ten years SL 6 SL 12 SL 600 SL 700 and know what they are capable of.

With what Zoot45 owns now with his existing Quicksilver Rega electronics which I am acutely experienced
in this scenario even you would agree the latest Vandies together would serve his Systems Performance and music best.
Cheers JohnnR

If you like the speakers you have, that's a very difficult question; especially when there are so many different flavors of speakers, and you can't possibly know which flavor you like best without "auditioning".
I think that most listeners who have never heard the Celestions would probably prefer one of many newer/used $2000 speakers; however, having lived with and enjoyed them for so long, that might not be true for you. I have never been happy with the Vandersteen 2 or 3 series speakers.
Nostalgia is good for emotions but horrid for building the best audio system one can.

If I had $2K for speakers and the desire to upgrade those old Celestions would be dumped so fast you'd hear them screaming on the way out the door. :)
At POLK, the price of poker just went up!!! You get nothing for 2000. (floorstanding that IS)