Upgrade from Rogue Audio Sphinx v2

My current system is Focal Aria 926s, BlueSound Node 2, and Rogue Audio Sphinx v2. I like the system a lot and enjoy the sound as a big step up from what I had before. But I've recently begun to notice that I feel like the sound is a bit veiled for lack of a better word. I can hear great detail, but it sounds like it's coming through a blanket or something. I suppose this is just my ears/mind adjusting over time. I also had the experience recently of hearing a substantially higher end system that made the music sound as if I could hear the air all the way around each note such that it was just so much more alive sounding. All that's to say, I'm think of upgrading and looking for suggestions. I figure the Sphinx is the place where I want to make a change, in part because I want to go to full solid state to avoid the power drain when my kids leave it on overnight. I've heard an Atoll IN200 that I loved in the shop but haven't compared side by side with my Rogue. I also got recommendations recently for a Musical Fidelity M6si or a Belles Aria, though I haven't found an Aria available recently. I'd rather not spend more than $2500 or so, and that only if it's going to be a significant improvement over what I have now. I'd be curious for folks' thoughts on how much I need to spend to notice a big difference and if there might be something out there that's not a whole lot more than the Sphinx but will give the clearer and more detailed sound I think I'm looking for. I also just like reading your comments in response to these kinds of posts to get a sense of how folks think about sound and various systems. Thanks! 
The Sphinx has a Class D 100 wpc output stage. Tube front end. You might want to buy a Rogue Magnum II power amp (all tube) and drive it direct from your digital sources. There is one on eBay now for $1795 + $100 shipping. 
Alternately you can buy a SS integrated amp - Belles. NAD, Parasound ... they all sound excellent! Sell the Sphinx - you can probably get over $1000 for it.
Some hate Class D amps - like the Sphinx output stage (a very good one!). Changing to a Class A or A/B is not a guarantee that you will like the sound more or hear more "detail". My advice is to borrow a SS integrated amp (Belles, NAD, Parasound ...) and try it out for a few days with your own system.