Please tell us more: Does this brightness you describe, occur at every soundlevel from ppp to fff and when listening to music, which instrument or voice tends to irritate you the most, when you are listening to what music at what sound level?
I feel this is a delicate problem, which has to be approached carefully. The problem could in fact lie anywhere. Do you only listen to CDs? If yes, how old is your Shanling?
Unfortunately I don't know your Peachtree gear to have an opinion on their sound, but I know the Shanling and that it can sound harsh with certain CD's.
There is a (small) chance, that even a change of cabling could do the trick at lesser cost. Have you ever tried that?
Please tell us more: Does this brightness you describe, occur at every soundlevel from ppp to fff and when listening to music, which instrument or voice tends to irritate you the most, when you are listening to what music at what sound level?
I feel this is a delicate problem, which has to be approached carefully. The problem could in fact lie anywhere. Do you only listen to CDs? If yes, how old is your Shanling?
Unfortunately I don't know your Peachtree gear to have an opinion on their sound, but I know the Shanling and that it can sound harsh with certain CD's.
There is a (small) chance, that even a change of cabling could do the trick at lesser cost. Have you ever tried that?