845/211 tube amplifiers with kef reference 5?

Hi, am seeking for advise from those who have the kef reference 5 or have 845 or 211 tube amplifiers.

I personally own a pair of kef reference 5, driving them with primaluna dialogue HP integrated tube amplifiers with EL34 tubes at 70 watts. Am liking the sound but cant help but wonder if playing with the bigger tubes like 845 or 211 will give it even more tube magic, sweetness/softness, musicality and wider soundstage.

However, those amps typically are lower powered around 20-30watts, and would like to ask for advice of those are suitable to power a kef reference 5 which is 90db at 8 ohms and minimal impedance of 3.2ohms? Recommended power is 50w to 400w but i know tube watts can be more powerful than solid state. 

For those of you who have matched a system like that or heard set ups of these forms of amplifiers with the kef ref 5, or have similar experiences, would like to seek some advice/get some experience from you

Thank you!
What George is saying here is bad advice.

That’s wrong

you’ll encounter a tonal issue
That’s just what sets do, look at ANY SET into the Stereophile simulated speaker load frequency response graph, most sets act like tone controls.

thegreenman OP
As I had 805 sets drive just that same speaker off the 4ohm taps, like I said the max loudness wasn’t quite there, but it sounded great, for tube set. The Kef looks like a benign 4ohm load to an amp when impedance and combined -phase angle is taken into account.

Cheers George
Peaks in SPL are usually at lowest frequencies.  I have ne problem driving less efficient speakers with a 45w 845 push-pull to reference levels because I never pushed the limit in terms of SPL because the speakers rolled off at 60hz.  And to Ralph's point, my amps were Push Pull and not SETs.  Pushing a SET to hard doesn't sound as good.  I have done a direct comparison of the Art Audio Carissa vs. Quartets.  With efficient speakers, Carissa kills the Push-Pulls but as efficiency drops, the Push Pulls 

That will ne be the case with the Reference 5s.  You will have peak output of about 100dBs before the amp clips.  This is going to mean VERY flabby bass.  

Seriously, wouldn't it make more sense to bi-amp.  Get a great 845 for mids and treble and power the bass with a nice, SS amp.  Get a used Krell or Chord power amp, even Musical Fidelity to pair with it and the net result will be brilliant.  
That will ne be the case with the Reference 5s. You will have peak output of about 100dBs before the amp clips. This is going to mean VERY flabby bass.
Yes as I also said the bass is the problem unless there’s a 4ohm tap, then ultimate loudness is reduced 

Seriously, wouldn’t it make more sense to bi-amp. Get a great 845 for mids and treble and power the bass with a nice, SS amp. Get a used Krell or Chord power amp, even Musical Fidelity to pair with it and the net result will be brilliant.

Yes this would be the best way, put his 845 on Ref 5’s mid/highs terminals, and just a cheap Class-D for the bass, a number of configurations could be done being able to even triamp.

Cheers George
That’s just what sets do, look at ANY SET into the Stereophile simulated speaker load frequency response graph, most sets act like tone controls.
Sheesh! The Stereophile simulated speaker load ignores the fact that SETs do not function a voltage source (Voltage Paradigm) devices. As a result they will 'act like a tone control' (more accurately, will exhibit a tonal anomaly)  on speakers that expect the amp to behave as a voltage source (which is most speakers).

But! If the SET is running on a speaker **designed** for this sort of thing (IOW the speaker is a Power Paradigm device too, which is *all* speakers made before 1955) then there will be no tonal issues and the SET can be neutral other than the coloration brought on by the lower ordered harmonics, which audiophiles call 'warmth' or 'bloom'. Speakers that fall into this category will often have controls on the rear to adjust the speaker to the voltage response of the amp (midrange and tweeter level controls). But some speakers, like Coincident loudspeakers, are simply designed to expect a high output impedance of the amp and don't need the controls.

Put another way George is spreading misinformation, apparently out of a misunderstanding of how tube amplifiers behave.

Yes as I also said the bass is the problem unless there’s a 4ohm tap, then ultimate loudness is reduced
This statement is false. Loudness or sound pressure is a function of power output. If the amplifier is making the same power into 8 ohms as it does into 4 (which is what the taps are for) then the sound pressure will be the same since its power will be the same if properly loaded. Now if the speaker is 4 ohms and you use the 8 ohm tap to drive it, you may find that there is less sound pressure on that tap because the power tube is now loaded at an impedance well below optimal. This will cause it to run hotter since some of the power it makes will be absorbed by the tube itself, and because that is the case there will be less output power available to the speaker (and it will be higher distortion). 
thegreenman OP

Don't listen to Ralph, it won't be a disaster like he's making out, he's got a bee in his bonnet, over something.

They will work up to a point as verdataudio and I outlined.And very good if you just use them for the mids and highs, with a cheap class-D on the bass.Maybe he's got some sort of other agenda with his soon to be released Class-D and got you in his sights.
Cheers George