Raven Audio Nighthawk MK3

Well, I finally did it. After about two years and looking at Vincent, Primaluna, Leben, Rogue, I decided to buy the Raven Audio Nighthawk. I've had it for about a week. Running NOS RCA Clear top tubes in preamp front besides the rest stock. My speakers are Klipsch Lascala II, Yamaha CD player S2100, Uturn Orbit turntable with Ortofon Blue, Cambridge Audio phono preamp, Tellurium Q cables/interconnects. Interested? Having already played several of my favorite Cd's and LP's I have been amazed, shocked, stunned, mesmerized, I'm running out of words. Probably a tad less expensive than I was planning to spend. My wife had tears of rapture as she heard her favorite Pink Martini CD. She asked, "How can it be this much better?" It is completely blowing me away. Power? Seems to have more than my previous 175 RMS at a mere 20 watts! Bass is so right before I added the Sunfire sub (HRS10) I've decided to leave it out. I really believed LaScalas couldn't do real bass. Wrong, Curious to hear more? 

I don't have a Raven so I won't offer any opinion on its sound/capability  based upon reviews/research. I will concur with Charles1dad's comments based upon the 3 tube integrated amplifiers that I do own, two being pushpull - EL84M/7189A (22wpc) , and a KT88 65wpc ; and a 22wpc 845 SET.

Thanks all for the info. 
I'll be looking to get a new integrated soon and I just learned about Raven this last week; so this thread is very helpful. I'll be giving them a call.
Hey Stonecutter54...do call them. One of my biggest surprises was when my wife (listening from adjacent room) said, "It sounds like the cello is in the room!" She was stunned and coming into the room said (pointing at the Nighthawk Integrated amp) how can a machine create such lifelike realism? I knew I had made the right choice at that instant. I had achieved the audiophile's holy grail.... "Total Wife Approval" {TWA} I flew into the friendly skies of speculation "I wonder what upgrade I can scope out next?" Just Kidding.....wink wink
I got a good deal from James to upgrade my Nighthawk MK 3 to a Blackhawk 3.1 as long as I was willing to keep it in the same chassis.  They are able to do faster turn around that way and give the customer a good deal.  The unit sounds great.