Should a CDP be left on 24/7 or shut off & on?

I read once on Audio Critique that digital eqipment should be left constantly on. Over the weekend I had to disconnect my Rega Planet Original for for 24+ hours and, frankly, do not hear any difference from when it was constantly on. This obviously is difficult to A/B.
What do you do with your digital equipment: leave it on 24/7 or power it down when not in use?

lol baroque_lover - maybe some people have a hard time finding out what to do with their money, so they solve that by leaving tubes on all the time and replacing them more often. That does make sense now.
it's a state of mind in save money, means you don't have any.
save time ???? ( i don't know what to do with the extra time saved. maybe I can post nonsense on the Gon.)
save souls
save yourself for marriage.
save the life of your tubes. Hey I better not enjoy my hobby ,better save my tubes....hey 1 hour to warm them up and 1/2 hour to listen. save the tubes and the the wear and tear on your floor and heels and shoes and save us from.??? Hey you better save this in your hard drive...LOL

I don't have tubes.

Everything you own is " borrowed " you won't take any of it with you. But your are so wise to save it. So wise that you even are aware of the dumb ones that use it know actually live life and not save it.
the better components that 'are' affected by a longer warm- up will generally have a stand-by mode. most of the break-in time is in our heads, not our stereos.
Wow C5150 that was... really useless and not related to anything. You really are 5150 aren't you ;)

I enjoy your posts though.