What frustrates you the most about seller’s for sale ads?

Audiogon has been in existence for over 20 years now, and if you are like myself, you probably have read thousands of for sale ads. When I read most of these ads, I always feel like the seller is leaving out vital information about the actual product (unit they own) they’re trying to sell. Some sellers are spot on when they sell something. They describe the unit in full detail, but most don’t. To me that’s a red flag and frustrating. For myself, the most frustrating thing is most ads leave out equipment age. If I’m buying something used this is vital info I want to know. If a seller doesn’t know the age of the unit don’t rate it 9/10 and later telI me I don’t know the actual age. One retailer, I will not mention names, always gives you 3-4 paragraphs of how great of business they are, and leaves one sentence at the end to describe the actual product being sold. LOL

I’ve suffered from a lack of ethics in general. Issues/problems being left out. When you advise the seller on the data, they throw in a discount. I take this as confirmation that they knew it had the issue. 
I'm with the others who  said price. Many listing are asking way too much and you see the gear over over when browsing. 
"These don't come very often so don't miss this shot to own this rare pair of amps...." 
This particular ad has been going on for over 1 year! 

haha i agree

but some gear are indeed rare -- small maker, few units sold, hand built etcetc, expensive to start - no assurance they are good buys used... completely item-specific

other gear are excellent, sold in large numbers, popular due to performance value and availability due to production scale on part of the maker... their being plentiful on the used market is a good sign, not a bad one... many newbies misjudge this aspect