Are Wilsons the best? are they worth the money? Looking at used watt puppy 8 or Sophia 3. 
I picked up a pair of Sophia 1 last year for a great price as the finish had cracks at most of the seams. I called Wilson to ask advice on how to repair. They told me that this was due to a glue defect during a period of production. I paid to ship them to Utah. Wilson completely disassembled my Sophias, repaired the seams, repainted the speakers and added the new foam baffles. They wrapped them in protective film and back into the crates. They even paid for the return shipping back to me! They knew I was not the original owner...they were committed to their product. The rep I worked with said the owner wants every single outbound shipment(new or service)to exceed the customer’s expectations. I am still blown away by their level of customer service. Oh...they sound amazing too! They are so dynamic and play so full range.  I have subs but have them crossed over at 43Hz and sometimes they really aren't needed.  They really do disappear in my room.  I have had various ARC amps and they have been great with them all. They are not the most efficient speakers so you will need to give them at least moderate power. ARC tube 75wpc serves them well.

The fact that Michael Fremer has Wilsons speaks volumes.

ARC also has had them in their listening room over the years as well as Magnepan and Sonus Faber.

Good luck!
I spent the last year listening to bookshelf/monitor size speakers. Not an easy thing to do during a pandemic even though I am luckily enough to have 5 high-end stores around me. I listened to the Tunetots and was not impressed and did not buy them.  I even liked the new Totem speakers at $3k, more then the $12k tunetots. But again, these were their small ones and the  Wilson’s do have their own sound regardless of size, you need to hear them, you may like them for the money. 
Wilson’s are highly overrated, but everyone should try a pair in their audiophile life 
Wilson good for a transistor amp. Not so well by tubes. Missed : the “natural” sound, detail, 3D...not my cup of tea. Is hi-fi ,no high-end. (It’s my opinion) 
I had the W/P 7 in the front with Wilson Watch, all 3 powered by Mark Levinson 33H. In the rear I had Cub 2s also hooked up to ML amps. I loved them. No problems. Sounded unbelievable playing anything. Ex took them out of storage. Her friend sold them on US Audiomart. Would do it all over again if I could afford it. It is your money and your ears but I don't think you'll regret it.