Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?

OK, controversial subject but it needs asked. I'm curious for your experiences, mainly in your home, not a dealer and esp. not a show demo
I noticed one major speaker brand that has not been mentioned in this thread of infamy and that is Sonus Faber.  I have only heard them twice in stores but they sounded very good to me in the store.  I also like Wilson speakers.  I have heard Wilson speakers in someone’s home and I liked the sound. True story:  I had a work buddy in the late 80s who had Thiel 2 2s with Spectral gear.  They sounded very good.  I was using planars at the time and his Thiels were the first box speaker that didn’t sound like a box to me. 13 years passed before I bought my first Thiel speakers and I bought them used because every time I auditioned them in a store they were too bright, strident and sometimes I thought they would drill a hole in my head.   I wanted something more dynamic than planars but I couldn’t find the right speaker.  Based on my buddy’s system I finally bought some used CS3.6s to try.  It took a couple of amp and cable changes but they finally made me very happy.  A few years later I got the CS6’s.  No fatigue issues here but they are finicky about source components and cables.  
I have Thiel CS6's and never could get them dialed in, after  a bunch of amps and cable I pushed the against the wall and moved on.  They are my biggest audio miss-judgement and costly mistake.  The last two days have been rainy so I set them up. Incredible mid range and detail in the upper frequencies.  As always with these speaker the bass is OK but seems like it was an engineering after thought. Some mistakes have a silver lining. My current system is Endgame!
Hi vegasears,
I understand what you are saying.  The CS6's do not have that chest thumping bass if that is what you are looking for.  I grew up in the 70s when we played hard rock loud and fuzzy and the drums kicked you in the gut.  These days if I play Black Sabbath or some hard rock record it is almost comical because the music is so clear and refined.  The Pass amps make for strong bass but it is still not like Wilsons, for example.  This may be heresy to some but I added subwoofers which takes the lows down deep and adds some oompf but still not that sharp kick in the gut.  I don't think subs go high enough for that.  If I crank it up real real loud the bass can get strong but I'm scared something's going to blow and I don't like it that super loud.  86 dBa average is very loud to me these days.  I would say that the Thiels are not the best hard rock speaker out there but they excel at Jazz, vocals and are good with classical.  
After years of being away from really critically listening to music, I found myself last year with the "itch" again. I am a budget listener...so trade offs are always part of the equation. In the past I'd try to read up on so called recommendations and visit local hi-fi dealers. I had Epos ELS-3s that were okay. Went to some smaller Energy CB-5s that I thought were decent for the money. I then bought some BW 600 S3s. Followed those with some Boston Acoustics CR 55s. I've tried and returned PSB Imagine XBs and am about to do the same with Q Acoustics 3030is. The last two, I have been so disappointed in the upper registers. For example, playing "Walking on the Moon" by the Police, so much information and detail is missing. The BWs have a brighter more defined treble but it does have draw backs. I'll keep looking. A friend recommended JBL Studio 530s...hopefully they are better.... My point, I guess, is that I like brighter more defined treble. Any recommendations would be appreciated