Preamp for Herron VTPH-2A

Ok, the eventual goal will be to try a Herron VTSP-360.  However, that is not in the budget, even used, until sometime next year.  So, I've decided to get an interim preamp.

I have approximately 3k to work with right now.  

I'd like to hear what VTSP-2A owners are using now or have used in the past with success.

As for other suggestions, here's what I'm looking for right now.


Gain - I need a preamp with gain.  Somewhere around 10db to 12db would be optimal.

Transparent.  I'm not looking for coloration.  I'd like to find one that does the best job of sounding like it's not there.

Input impedance:  47K or higher with on the SE inputs.

Line level only:  No phono stage, no DAC, etc.


True balanced output.  Nice, but not necessary.  I'd like to place the turntable in a spot where it needs approximately 25 feet of cable run between it and the power amp, but can live with it if it stays near the power amp.

Tone Control Bypass (no tone controls preferable)

Remote control:  Nice , but not absolutely necessary.

*Don't care:

Tubes/Solid State. As long as it is sufficiently transparent, the tech doesn't matter.

Thanks in advance.  I'm sure based on the recommendation I got for the VTPH-2A, I'll get some great suggestions.

I started with a VTPH-2A with a VTSP-3A(ro2).  Loved the sound. 

Now I have a PS Audio Stellar phono pre into a PS Audio BHK pre amp.  In my system, that combination sounds better. The Stellar phone pre is worth a listen.  Mine sounded great right out of the box.  With PS Audio's return policy, you have nothing to loose - other than return shipping cost.

Speaker efficiency doesn't even come into consideration for me, only the sound.  If I find a speaker that I like, getting the right amount of power is simple.

Efficient speakers for the sake of efficiency is just another audiophile religious cult.  Feel free to drink your cool aid, I'll stick to sound quality.
In defense of the “inefficiency” of planar speakers in general, the standard method for measurement falsely reduces their apparent efficiency, because it does not account for the radiation of sound across the length and breadth of the diaphragm. This is the case for any magneplanar and any full range ESL.
By the way, old school may be the first on this forum to say he prefers any other reasonably priced phono stage to the Herron.
lewm is correct.  Line source speakers have roughly half the propagation loss as point source drivers.

see for a good basic explanation.