Schiit - shipments stopped?

Think they have stopped shipping, maybe ceased ops.

business failures do happen.

my order placed end of nov and no word.  I email and receive generic replies.

The unit is not a "poor design".

You don't want to accept responsibility for your actions.

Why not return it?
did u not see the 3/12 post from facten above??
clearly, had u seen it you would reverse ur stance. This Product, and no doubt others, can be very dangerous. I dont let my kids use it. It is destined for the junkyard, its a cheap box.

i am looking for a highend ss line stage with ‘ht bypass’. I made a mistake buying freya.
Post removed 
If you read my response from 3/12 at 2:47PM, two messages after facten, you would see that yes, I did read his response.

And I stand by my assertions.

The Freya+ is no more inherently dangerous than any other piece of equipment that is used in a manner in which it was not designed or by someone who does not know how to use it.

Two lines on one web page does not constitute marketing.

If it's not in the instructions/owner's manual and a user tries something different, ALL responsibility is on the USER.

You have still provided no e-mails that you claim to have from Schiit. I can only assume that in those e-mails there is evidence exonerating Schiit from your accusations.

You did not do sufficient research prior to your purchase and you can not accept the consequences of that.

FWIW, there is an excellent web site, based out of Norway I believe, that maintains a very up-to-date list of preamplifiers and integrated amplifiers with HT bypass. I can not speak to the site's accuracy but it appears to be up-to-date.