Turntable Power Cord Upgrade

Has anyone heard any improvement using audiophile power cords for their turntables? I'm wondering if the upgrade is  parallel with other components. I have a Kuzma Stabi Ref, thanks.
@ebm Just curious what other power cords have you used besides Purist?

I am looking at replacing a couple of PC in a system. Into my Moon 340i and Moon 280 DAC.

My very first turntable mod was to hard wire a better power cord onto the Basis motor. There was no IEC so it had to be soldered. It was a very inexpensive power cord. Well, I wasn't about to go cutting up an expensive one for an experiment now was I? Yet in spite of that it was a very noticeable improvement. 

If a power cord is good it will be good on whatever you use it with. If not then guess what? Not a good power cord after all. It really is that simple.
The sound of a component starts with the power supply - not what comes before it! Physics 101! If you believe that there is something wrong with your AC power I suggest calling a licensed electrician.
The only "bad" power cord is one that doesn't have continuity - won't pass voltage. The belief that a power cord has a "sound" is a clever marketing ploy to extract money from the gullible and easily deluded!