Turntable Power Cord Upgrade

Has anyone heard any improvement using audiophile power cords for their turntables? I'm wondering if the upgrade is  parallel with other components. I have a Kuzma Stabi Ref, thanks.
The sound of a component starts with the power supply - not what comes before it! Physics 101! If you believe that there is something wrong with your AC power I suggest calling a licensed electrician.
The only "bad" power cord is one that doesn't have continuity - won't pass voltage. The belief that a power cord has a "sound" is a clever marketing ploy to extract money from the gullible and easily deluded!
I put a $500.00 Shunyata power cord on my VPI Prime turntable and heard no difference.  I have that same cord on my Technics SL1200G turntable and still don’t hear a difference although it does look nice.  I talked to Matt Weisfield @VPI about an aftermarket cord for the Prime and he laughed and told me the motor won’t know the difference.  He was right. 
The sound of a component starts with the power supply - not what comes before it! Physics 101! 

Only if the power supply is perfect. 
No power supply is perfect.
Whatever noise or fluctuations are on the incoming AC, some of that will always make it through the imperfect power supply. 
Because: no power supply is perfect.
Therefore, the quality of the incoming AC does matter.

Logic 101.
I should have pointed out that the Kuzma motor is dc, that being the case I would assume that any difference would be minor. I am using a Cardas Beyond Clear right now and will try others I have on hand to listen for changes. Just wanted to pick some brains, thanks.